WHEN: Thursday, April 20, 2023, 6pm

MASTER CLASS SERIES: Sit for success. Hosted by Physical Therapist, Alexis Mourier.

LOCATION: ONLINE webinar on Zoom! Join our workshop anywhere by phone or laptop.

COST: FREE! Space for this webinar is limited and you MUST register for a link to attend + reserve your spot. All participants will receive a complimentary replay of the class – so if you can’t make it live – you can watch it on your own time! Register by filling out the form below.

SIT FOR SUCCESS: Did you know sitting can create more health issues than smoking? Learn how to optimize your sitting posture to improve sitting function. This masterclass can benefit anyone, especially people who sit all day at their jobs and need tips for avoiding back or neck pain, tips for exercising at their desks, and how to avoid the long-term effects of prolonged sitting.

Workshop Registration