NEXT CLASS: Thursday, September 30, 2021, 6:30 pm

TOPIC: How Not to Throw Your Back Out of Whack

LOCATION: ONLINE webinar on Zoom! It couldn’t be any easier to join our workshop since it will be held virtually.

COST: FREE! But space for this webinar is limited and you MUST RSVP to get a link to attend + reserve your spot. Register by filling out the form below. 

WHO’S IT FOR?: Have you ever bent over to tie your shoe and thrown your back out of whack?

Are you puzzled by why some normal, everyday tasks seem to be the last straw that throws your back out?

Do you want to keep playing golf, tennis, and staying active without worrying about back pain?

If back pain keeps you from doing the things you love, this workshop is for YOU!

Workshop Registration