NEXT CLASS: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 6:30 PM
TOPIC: Back Pain is the Real “March Madness”
LOCATION: John Goetze Physical Therapy Beaches – 1400 Marsh Landing Pwky, Unit 112, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
COST: FREE! Must RSVP to reserve your spot as they are LIMITED – register by filling in the form below.
WHO IT’S FOR: Do you experience low back pain when sitting or standing for too long?
Can you hardly sit through a movie or watch your favorite sport on tv because of constant, dull back pain?
THIS IS FOR YOU! Let us give you our expert tips and advice to take the first step in getting relief from back pain.
We encourage that you invite a friend, family member, neighbor, work-out partner, or anyone who could benefit! Come just listen in and enjoy or get your questions answered on the spot.