One question we get often is “Can my diet affect my pain level?”

This is a question that absolutely needs to be addressed. Often we have individuals who come to physical therapy looking to become stronger, get their joints moving and increase overall health. However, many will often overlook the other half of the problem – what they are choosing to fuel themselves with.

Moving two steps back

Choosing to come to physical therapy because of pain, soreness, inflammation and an overall struggle to fully heal is a step in the right direction. However, only half the problem is being addressed; a proper diet is also essential to allow the body to fully recover. Without the proper nutrients fueling the body, many of the benefits to physical therapy will be slowed, and may prolong recovery.

The basics to recovery

  1. Sleep is vital to the recovery process and many are not taking advantage of the benefits that come with a full night’s sleep.
  2. To be fully hydrated you should be drinking your body weight in ounces of water per day. We recommend carrying a personal water bottle and refilling it throughout the day to meet your body’s needs.
  3. Make sure you are eating real whole foods.

Keep your diet simple

A healthy diet can be fairly simple.

  • Focus on only consuming real whole foods that can be found along the perimeter of any grocery store.
  • Avoid foods that are processed, packaged and can be microwaved.
  • Avoid buying items off of the shelves as many of these have been shown to increase inflammation.
  • Cut out the sugar! As you are shopping, read the ingredient label of all the items you are buying. If it contains things like high fructose corn syrup put it back. Sugar has been found to increase levels of inflammation.
  • Lastly, fats and oils. Stay away from vegetable oils and canola oils these too have been shown to increase inflammation and extend the healing process.

Fad diets

Today there are many fad diets out including Keto, Paleo, and low carb. Each diet has its place and can be effective, however, if you are not into learning more about these diets keep it simple with the information above.